March 25

Yesterday was a quiet day; we stayed at home and did school. Today was another stay-at-home day, but we did some Easter prep, too. I finalized the menu for our Easter dinner, made a shopping list, and the kids made place cards for our meal. It will just be family, but even without Chris' out-of-town siblings, we will have sixteen people. Plus, I wanted the kids to feel involved. So I opened up Word, and Caleb chose a font and color and typed everyone's name. We printed the names on cardstock, I cut everything out, and the three older kids all decorated the place cards. Some are fabulous, some are sweet, and some were clearly decorated by Lily. So it goes.

We also made Resurrection Cookies this morning. There are a million sites with recipes and directions, and one popped up on my Facebook feed this morning, so we decided to try it. The kids were really engaged, and had a lot of fun!
Beating the pecans, just like the soldiers beat Jesus.

Caleb read the scriptures for each step. This was where we added vinegar, and each of the kids tasted a little bit of it while Caleb read about how the soldiers gave Jesus vinegar to drink.

Lily got a turn with the mixer. She clearly doesn't know what to think. I don't know what's up with that tongue.

How many children does it take to use the mixer? Apparently three. One to hold the mixer, one to stabilize the mixer holder's arm, and one to hold the cord.

Dolloping the cookies on the pan. Are you guys proud of me for letting them do this all by themselves? Don't be too proud. I already filled a pan with cookies myself, and this was extra batter. It's the only reason I let them do it - I'm much too controlling to let them do the whole thing themselves. 
And again with Lily's tongue.

I really tried to keep them from licking spoons and then dipping the spoons back in the bowl, but I don't know if I was 100% successful.

Lily definitely enjoyed herself!
Then we put the cookies in the oven and taped it shut. The kids were devastated that they didn't get to eat the cookies right away, but what a delicious surprise they'll be tomorrow!

After naps, it was sunny and beautiful out. Since the forecast for Easter is cool and rainy, I decided to attempt to take pictures of the kids in their Easter outfits today.

It did not go well. I don't think there's a single picture that is even worth really editing. This was one of the best: 
Daisy is crazed and enthusiastic, Eli needs to be forcibly held down, Caleb is so cooperative but that hat and that hair?, and Lily is just completely annoyed and uncooperative. I even bribed her with candy, but it was a no-go. Maybe I'll get something better on Easter. Hopefully.

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