March 26

We filled this Saturday to the brim!

I rolled out of bed at 7:15, threw on some clothes, and met my smaller-small-group ladies for coffee and Bible study. We finished up in time for me to rush home and put Eli down for his morning nap. 
Sweet sleeping baby. Sometimes the nap struggle makes me want to jump out a window. But when it works, it is glorious and worth the effort.

While he slept, Chris took the older three to ride their bikes at the neighborhood playground. Meanwhile, I got to work on Easter prep. They came home, and the kids and I filled eggs for an egg hunt tomorrow. Eli woke in time for lunch, and then I headed to the grocery store. I got home just in time to attempt to put Eli down for his afternoon nap, but he decided I was a fool. Then it was time to wake Daisy up from her nap so that she could get ready for a preschool friend's birthday party.

It was a gymnastics party.
Daisy was shy at first, but once she warmed up she had so much fun! 
Daisy told me she was nervous to do the high balance beam at first, but once she realized she could jump off, she wasn't scared anymore.

I don't know why this picture looks like this, but she had so much fun!

We got home just as Chris was finishing dinner prep, and we all enjoyed breakfast for dinner. Now that spring is here and the kids are playing outside more, they are eating so much more than normal. I love it! Now I just have to start making more food!

Caleb and I have decided to train together to run a 5k on April 30th. That's 3.1 miles, and the race is only 5 weeks from now, so we started our training today. I've been busting my tail at the gym nearly every day for the past two months, so I think I am ready to get back to running. Our first run went better than I had anticipated; I felt great, and Caleb was a champ. He definitely has the enthusiasm to run 3.1 miles. Now I just have to help him learn how to pace himself, regulate his breathing, and build his endurance. That's definitely attainable in 5 weeks. My guess is that we'll run a 30-minute 5k.

After our first run. Look at how happy my boy is!
(Side note: I tried my best to encourage him to wear more appropriate clothes for running, but he insisted on his red ensemble. I also promised him that once he completes 10 training runs, I will take him shopping for serious running shoes.)
I should also mention our support crew: Chris ran alongside/behind us, pushing the BOB with Eli and Lily buckled in and Daisy riding in the foot well. That's 80+ pounds of children in the stroller, and he still paced us. That man is made to run, and I'm glad he is supportive of Caleb and me as we embark on this goal!


You can't see it, but Lily kept running through the frame while Chris was taking these pictures. Finally, we scooped her up for her favorite thing: a Lily sandwich.

Sweet girl

After the run, it was time for pjs and bed. Caleb took a quick shower, then asked to snuggle in my big bed. How could I say no? As we snuggled, he told me that he was really glad we were running together, because I'm a really good teacher.  It warmed my heart, but more than anything I was happy that his love tank was clearly overflowing at that moment. That will keep me going for a long while.

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