January 4

Real life began again today. Chris went back to work, and I thought we would begin homeschooling today. But then I realized that our school district didn't have school today, so I figured we would have a light day. 

Lily woke up this morning with a dry diaper (a HUGE potty training victory!), but didn't want to use the potty. She screamed and cried as she sat on it, and Eli was very concerned.
He crawled right over to her and wanted to play with the book she was "reading". It was so very sweet! Of course, it didn't last long enough for me to get my camera settings right. Hence the grainy photo.

Eli heard my camera shutter click, noticed I was sitting on the ground, and immediately stopped what he was doing and crawled toward me. 
It literally happens every time I sit down. The boy must really love his mama!

Later, after I put Eli down for an early first nap, Caleb was reading book while he ate his breakfast. Lily noticed and sidled up next to him. "Whatchyou doin'?"
He wrapped his arm around his baby sister's waist and began reading to her. Soon Daisy joined in, too, and it was the sweetest thing. 
Goodness, I love these kids. I sure don't love the runny noses, though!

Hi cuties!

While Eli napped, I let the kids play and I researched lesson plans and curricula for homeschooling. When Eli woke up, I loaded all of the kids in the van and we drove to a library that specifically caters to Christian, homeschooling families. I borrowed several books and perused their consignment curriculum. 

It was all very helpful and informative. While I looked around, the kids enjoyed the play area. 
This poor kid is still miserable from his cold, but that didn't stop him from exploring!

Caleb and Lily enjoyed the train table,

Eli tried to figure out the beads,

And Daisy colored a Baby Jesus coloring sheet.

On our way home, we stopped and visited with Jenny at her restaurant for lunch. The little ones went down for naps as soon as we got home, and Caleb and I spent some time working on handwriting and spelling. He was willing and eager to do everything! I had a list of about 50 "accountable words" - words his school expected kindergartners and first graders to know. Caleb wrote all of them without complaining, corrected his handwriting as he went, and only misspelled two! His handwriting and fine motor skills are a major concern for me, so I was very proud that he spent nearly an hour working at it without complaining. 
I rewarded him with some mini-marshmallows and sent him to jump on the trampoline. Real homeschooling starts tomorrow!

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