January 27

Do you remember one year ago today, when my water randomly broke at 7 am? 
Yeah. That was quite a day. I wonder how different the past year would have been for our family if that hadn't happened, and if Eli had stayed put for another two months?

It has definitely been a challenging year for us, but God has been so present through all of it. I definitely would not have chosen for things to go the way they did, but I am thankful that I know the Creator of the universe loves me, and has a plan for my life - and the lives of my children. So even when things don't go my way, I take comfort in knowing that He has a plan. Even when I don't like it.

Eli turns one tomorrow. That means that my days of daily blogging will come to an end. I definitely won't cut it off cold turkey, and I will absolutely continue blogging, but don't get too worried if I go a few days between posts. As much as I cherish having the daily record of each of my children's first years, I am looking forward to being free of the daily commitment of that. After tomorrow, I will blog when I have fun pictures, or something exciting to share. Maybe every other day? We'll see. 

In the meantime, here are today's pictures. It was a really busy day for us: our Parents as Teachers parent educator came today and evaluated Eli. Spoiler: he is awesome, but totally delayed in gross motor skills. Not surprising, as all of my kids have been that way. She left, and we loaded into the van for Caleb's swimming and fitness class. At the end of his swim session, I watched him swim the whole length of the pool, completely unassisted, which was awesome. Even more awesome was when the instructor noticed he was getting tired and offered him a kickboard, but Caleb refused because he wanted to finish it on his own. That is exactly the type of grit and determination we are trying to build in him, and I was so proud. We came home for lunch and naps, and just as I got Eli down for his nap Chris' mom arrived to take Caleb for his first session of "Speech Club". I am so thankful that she is willing to help us with this, because otherwise it would be impossible to get him up to his old school at the times they want him there. 

Caleb got home, we had a bit of down time for some school, and then dinner. It was crazy.

At dinner, Eli showed us that he is learning how to say, "One".
We ask, "How old is Eli?" and he holds up  one finger and says, "whaaa". It is barely recognizable as a word, but he's trying!

Can you believe he'll be one tomorrow?

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