January 2

Today was very full. This morning, both of my sisters came over (separately) so that I could take pictures of them. I have made each of my children a photo book of family members for their first birthday, and I am trying my best to collect recent, high-quality images for Eli's book. You know, because he turns one at the end of the month. I really intended to take pictures at Thanksgiving, and then I wanted to do them at Christmas, but somehow it just never worked out. So now I'm scrambling. I managed to get Sally's picture at Christmas, and today I got Jenny and Emily and the boys; now I just need pictures of my parents and Chris' parents. Oh, and us. So I'm not even remotely done. But I loved taking pictures of my sisters and nephews this morning!
Aren't they handsome? Ryan will be 18 in a few days, Max is almost five and a half, and Jace is just a few days younger than Lily.

Jace looks so much like his Daddy and his Grandma Lisa!

Max looks just like Emily.

And Ryan? After going through a period where he looked just like his dad, then a time where he looked like his mom, Ryan has grown into his own man. I can't believe he is almost 18!

After they left, we put the little ones down for naps and Chris took Caleb ice skating. Our friends Amber and Michael and their family were going near our house, and invited us to join them. We were initially hoping that maybe I could go too, and we could wiggle nap time around a little bit, but that didn't pan out. So instead, Chris took Caleb, I stayed home with the little ones, and Amber kindly shared these pictures she took:
Why did Chris go? 
Well, he used to play ice hockey. He loves to skate, and really enjoys sharing that with our kids.

There are Michael and his brother Chris, who my Chris has known since adolescence. I remember tales of their teenage hijinks; now they are holding their children's hands while they learn to ice skate. It is adorable.

Chris reported that Caleb was very brave, and didn't get discouraged or give up when he fell.
Caleb came home and proudly reported, "Mommy, I have a new favorite sport: ICE SKATING."
I love it! 
(As long as he doesn't want to play hockey.)

As soon as the boys got home, we immediately loaded everyone in the van to go celebrate Ryan's 18th birthday. We ate dinner at Chili's, then went to my parents' house for cake and presents.

Eli was exhausted, but he made a beeline for the tree. 

Can you believe Emily has an 18-year-old?

Lily rocked the potty training tonight, and even used the big potty at the restaurant and a Grandma and Grandpa's house. But then she had to poop, and once again she had an accident. Oh well. We'll get there, little one. I think I'll stop reporting on potty training after today, because we seem to have reached a plateau. I will report next when we have a new victory.

Peek-a-boo, Jace! I see you!

Eli with his ball and his Grandma. That is one happy kid.

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