January 1

2015 turned out to be my most prolific blogging year yet: I wrote 363 blog posts, which is pretty impressive considering I was also dealing with a premature baby, mastitis, breastfeeding issues, a broken leg, and postpartum depression.

Last year was full of the really great, the terribly awful, and a whole bunch of in the middle. But then, I suppose every year is like that. Despite the circumstances we endured last year, God remained faithful, and I am thankful.

I woke up this morning to find this:
Caleb was reading a library book to Daisy. It made my heart flutter.
Caleb and I have set a goal of hugging six times each day in 2016. I feel like it is a very worthy goal.

I know we did something today, but for the life of me I don't know what it is.

Chris took Caleb outside to fly his remote control helicopter. I suggested that Eli might like to be outside, too, so Chris put him in the Ergo and wrapped his hoodie around him.

Eli was happy, but Lily nearly lost it when she saw that Eli was riding in her Ergo!
(Actually, she called it "Daddy's Ergo", which I thought was funny. But she's right: Chris is the one who uses it, while I prefer the wraps and ring slings.)

Also, this happened at 4:30.
Caleb is still in his pajamas.
It's Christmas break, so I'm trying not to feel too guilty.

Look at that helicopter go! You can't tell in the picture, but Eli was trying to hard to crane his neck to see it! He was fascinated.

Meanwhile, Lily was just mad that she wasn't in Daddy's Ergo.

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