January 13

Caleb had his swim and fitness class again today, and it went much better than last week. Eli still didn't nap beforehand, but we got there earlier, I organized things better, and it was generally great. I was even able to drop the little ones off in the childcare area and spend thirty minutes exercising! It really went perfectly, until I got all of the kids out to the van and went to buckle Lily in her car seat. That was when she told me that she had pooped in her undies. 
She did it during the thirty-five minutes she was in childcare, after I had shown her the potty there and had her use it. None of the workers noticed that my two-year-old - who I told them was potty-training - pooped her pants, even though there were three workers, my three children, and only one other child in the room. *sigh* This is why I never leave my kids places. No one can take care of them the way I can! Still, I'm glad I did it, and it can only get better from here.

The rest of the day was pretty dull, except that Eli was hilarious at dinner.

Look at that drool. Kid is totally teething. And those curls are left over from swimming this morning.

He is one happy baby!

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