January 23

I spent much of the morning shopping for Eli's first birthday party, which is exactly one week from today. (Side note: if you are local, please come celebrate with us! I think I have reached out to everyone, but if you read this blog and you are in our area, I would love for you to come to his celebration. I feel such gratitude toward everyone who has walked alongside us this past year, whether you brought us meals, helped with the kids, prayed, or simply followed our story on the blog. If I haven't invited you personally, please contact me and I will send you details!)

There was a lot of chaos this afternoon, as Chris and I worked on a zillion projects and the kids went down for naps late or refused to nap, but one major thing got accomplished:
Caleb finished his very first Pinewood Derby car!
They used the drill to help polish the nails that held the wheels. Caleb was really nervous at first, but he got the hang of it and eventually enjoyed it!

Hammering in the nails that hold the wheels.
(Don't you love the paint job on Caleb's car? We worked on that this morning. Caleb drew a plan and a design last week, and today we gathered paints and mixed colors and taped sections off until it was just perfect.)

Meanwhile, under the table... 
Eli (wearing only one sock) worked diligently at untying Chris' shoe laces.

Then he chewed on them.

It kind of reminds me of the gag where you tie someone's shoelaces together when they aren't paying attention, except that Eli is not yet that clever. One day; just not yet.

Finally, the car was finished! 
As the piece de resistance, Caleb added his very favorite Lego mini figure, Emerald Harrelson.

It's pretty spectacular, isn't it?

But the best part is that it's all his design, and mostly his work, and he is so proud.

Derby trials are tomorrow, and the actual race is next week. I'll keep you posted on his results, but Caleb has already informed us that it will be okay if he doesn't win.


  1. Jim and I will be at Eli's party. We're looking forward to meeting you guys.

  2. Cool! The car looks great!
    I would love to be there of course. thanks for sending the invite :)
