September 4

I know. I am seriously slacking on my blogging. 

In my defense, I've spent the past few days preparing for a garage sale. It's a lot more work than I remembered it being! But the garage sale is over now, and I'm playing catch-up. Hopefully I can be more proactive about taking pictures  this week!

In the meantime, I'm posting retroactively.

On Thursday, my excuse was that Caleb had school, Daisy had preschool, and Lily and I had MOPS. It was a long day. Plus, Chris had a networking event after work, and would be home late. Plus, I had a chiropractor appointment.

Luckily, Jenny agreed to come over and watch the kids so that I could go to my chiropractor appointment alone. They were so excited to see her!

When I returned home, not only was everyone still alive, but all three kiddos were in their jammies. What a good auntie she is!

I walked into this scene, which melted my heart:
Caleb was "reading" his library book to Jenny. He's long done this with favorite books, but it was the first time I'd seen him memorize so much of a library book that we'd only had for a week. I'm so proud of this little guy - he'll be really reading soon!

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