September 18

As I made lunch for Daisy and Lily today, I glanced up and noticed that Daisy had her shirt up, a baby doll in her arms, and was really focused on something.

She was nursing her baby.

I stealthily grabbed my camera and prepared to employ my ninja photography skills, afraid that she'd get embarrassed and stop if she knew I was watching. I was wrong; she didn't mind at all.
She even asked me to take a video of it. Of course, I complied. Of course, I'm sharing it here. Are you tired of the videos yet?

In the video, Daisy explains her nursing process. It's pretty sweet.

Both girls were sleeping when it was time to get Caleb off the bus, so I got to pick him up by myself. He was in such a good mood when he got off the bus! We held hands, walked in the sunshine, and he told me all about his day. I loved every moment of it.

Lily was just waking up when we got home, and she and Caleb spent some quality time playing Play-Doh together.
Caleb was suspicious at first that Lily wouldn't be able to play nicely with the Play-Doh, but she quickly showed him that she knows just what to do with it. She's a pretty big girl!

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