September 29

Do-nothing Mondays are so good for my soul. After we walked Caleb to the bus this morning, the girls and I sat on the front porch and played for an hour. More specifically, the girls played while I worked on deconstructing diapers. 

(Digression: with this new baby coming so close on Lily's heels (they'll be about 19 months apart?), we will need some more cloth diapers. Luckily, with a little bit of mending, cloth diapers can last a really, really long time. I found 22 of Caleb and Daisy's old diapers in the basement that are currently unusable because the velcro is no longer sticky and the elastic is super stretched out. Instead of replacing the velcro with new velcro, I'm converting them all to snaps, which means first removing all of the old velcro. It's an arduous and painful process that takes about 20 minutes per diaper, and involves lots of seam ripper stabs to my fingers. No fun. But I've de-velcroed 14 of them so far, so that's something.  I'm already starting to wonder if this is one of those DIY projects that ends up costing way more in time and energy than it's worth, but I'm going to see it through.)

Last night, the kids and I watched videos of Caleb and Daisy as they were first learning to walk. 
You can see Caleb's first walking video here:
And Daisy's first walking video here (though she'd been walking for a month and a half at this point):

They thought it was so funny! Yesterday I noticed that Lily is getting a lot steadier on her feet, so I thought today would be a good "walking video" day. Of course, she didn't really want to cooperate, so this is the best I got:

Of course she'd walk away from the camera instead of toward it, but you get the idea. She's also really into nose-blowing right now. No, she doesn't actually blow her nose, but she brings the tissue to her nose and makes a blowing noise. It's really pretty cute.

Well, it's as cute as it can get when it's caused by three children with nasty, snotty noses. She looks pretty miserable, doesn't she? 
(Side note: that's chalk on her pants, because she and Daisy were playing chalk. Lily says "chalk" now. She also says eggs, socks, and several other new words that I can't remember right now.)

Look at how much cuter she is when she's "blowing" her nose!

After lunch, Daisy went down for her nap and I finally got Lily down for hers, when the power went out. Lily sleeps with a noise machine and a ceiling fan on, so when the power goes out, her room becomes oppressively silent and still. Needless to say, that nap didn't last long. 

After we got Caleb off the bus, the power was still out, so I sent the kids out to play in the sandbox while I got dinner ready.

Deciding to put a sandbox in the base of our swing set was the smartest thing we've ever done. The children can play happily there for an hour, easily. 

I went back inside to finish dinner, and when I looked out at the kids again, I found this:

Don't worry, Mom. No children were harmed in the making of this video. 
I'd heard rumors that Lily was able to climb up the slide, but this was the first time I'd witnessed it. Really, it's pretty impressive. At one point, Caleb was lying on the slide and Lily climbed up over him. That girl is determined!

The power came back on just as dinner was ready - thank goodness. Only now our Internet is flickering in and out. Yuck.

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