September 13

I worked the ACT this morning, so Chris handled all of the parenting duties. He took a few pictures on my camera, and even took all three kids to the Butterfly House! What a man!

This photo of Princess Daisy was one of the gems on my camera today. I love that girl's spunk!

After I returned home, Daisy went down for her nap and Chris took Caleb and Lily outside to play some baseball.

Lily didn't understand the whole baseball concept, and really just wanted to snuggle Daddy. I don't blame her.

Caleb, aka "Love Machine", was all about the baseball. I came out to watch as Chris threw pitch after pitch to him, and Caleb kept hitting them. Better than the hits, though, was the grin on Caleb's face as he hit the ball. He loves playing baseball, and it does my heart good to see my little guy looking this happy. He was also particularly happy because I got out all of his long-sleeved shirts yesterday. I packed them up in the spring because they were taking up too much space, and he thought I had taken them away forever. When I "gave them back" to him yesterday, he was ecstatic!

Lily and I sat on a blanket and watched for a while, but then the girl crawled off the blanket, across the driveway, and down the sidewalk to catch a ball of her own. She wanted to play baseball, too! Chris gave her a bat, and tossed a few pitches at her.

Lily and Caleb were thrilled when one pitch actually bounced off her bat. She'll be playing baseball soon enough!

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