September 22

I have no idea what got into Lily, but this morning she slept until 10 am.
Yep. 10 am. I've never had a child sleep that late before.
Granted, she was up screaming for quite a while in the night (Chris went into her, but she would not be consoled) and she missed a nap yesterday and got to bed late, but still - 10 am! 

She's also been pretty scream-y today. It's been one of those days where, if I walk into a room, she starts screaming. If I leave the room, she starts screaming. If I sit down to read a book with the big kids, she starts screaming. If I pull her into my lap to read with us, she starts screaming. She basically needed to be the center of my universe today, but instead of asking nicely, she screamed at me. It was exhausting. Luckily, Chris gave me a nice break after dinner (or rather, I took a break after dinner and Chris obliged, mostly because Lily screamed throughout the whole meal and it was clear that my head was about to explode). So at least I got that, and the girl is now asleep.

Of course, she wasn't screaming when we went to the bus stop to get Caleb. Or when we played on the front porch afterward.
"Screaming? I don't know what you're talking about!"
(Also, I love the little sun flare rainbow in the bottom left corner. I didn't even notice it when I took the picture, but I love the hidden rainbow for my Baby Rainbow!)

Exploring! Spoiler alert: It was empty.

Caleb rigged up this stick/bridge thing, and was so proud of himself! Then the little supporting twig snapped, and he was devastated.
(Also, I learned today that he calls this one shirt that I made for him his "Super One" shirt. Like, he's a superhero? And his symbol is the number one? He told me today that he wore a hoodie over it at school, but occasionally surprised his friends by unzipping his hoodie to show them his Super One. It is so funny to get a glimpse into the workings of his mind!)

Lily can't let me sit on the ground and take pictures. If I'm at her height and I have a camera in hand, girl is all up in my grill. She wants me to take her picture, she wants to see the pictures I've taken, she wants to press all the buttons... I suppose it would be really cute, if it didn't happen every. single. time.

 And then, after dinner, there was this:
Caleb read Hop on Pop
Sure, he needed lots of help.
Sure, it was slow and painful reading.
Sure, he didn't finish the book. 

But still. It's my firstborn, reading a book for the very first time. That's a huge deal! I almost didn't take a picture because the light was so yucky, but then I realized that I would later kick myself for not photographing such a major milestone.

Caleb is a reader!

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