September 14

When I saw the forecast for today, I knew it would be the perfect day for apple picking. After the girls took their naps, we headed out to a local orchard. It's small, and not organic, but hey - it's close! And our little ones don't need a huge orchard for apple picking. Really, I'm pretty sure they'd be happy with just one tree. (Note to self: plant an apple tree in the back yard.)

I thought Daisy's apple-picking outfit was particularly funny: purple striped top, purple flowered leggings, Spiderman socks, and silver dress shoes. That girl.

Chris gave the kids a quick primer on which apples to pick and which apples not to pick, and even quizzed them a few times. Both were fast learners!

It really was the perfect day for apple picking!

Lily participated from her perch on my back. We tried to get her to pick a few apples off the trees,b ut she was only interested in patting them.

One of the orchard workers snapped this family photo for us. Funny to think that next year at apple picking time, there will be six of us! (Note: Caleb really wanted to go blueberry picking instead of apple picking. When I informed him that the blueberries are ripe in June, not September, he was pretty sad. I promised him that we could go blueberry picking next year. That will make baby Yoey about 3 months old? We'll see if I have the courage to take a 3-month-old blueberry picking in June.)

I'm pretty sure Chris is Superman.
Except that he encouraged Caleb to wear sandals and socks today. So maybe he isn't Superman after all.

Running down the aisle!

This girl is a fast runner, too!

No running for us - I don't think Lily would like all of the jostling!
I'm 16 weeks pregnant today. How about that baby bump? It certainly is bump-tastic. None of my regular pants fit, and I hate all of my maternity pants, which poses quite a dilemma. A person needs pants!

After we had picked five pounds of apples, we headed over to the play area. Caleb loved the ride-on toys!

So did Chris! 
Lily, however, was unimpressed. Probably because she was ready for a nap.

Yep. That's the man I married. The father of my children. Is there any hope for us?
(He actually figured out how to pedal that little tricycle around like that!)

I tried to take a picture of all of the kids together, but Lily just screamed. I think she didn't like the feeling of the straw on her bare skin. 
Or she was tired.
Or she just hates having her picture taken. 

But look at that grin on Daisy! And look at how handsome Caleb is!

Now that is sweet. I hope Lily always knows how much her brother and sister love her, even when she's being unlovely.

She may have hated the straw on her bare skin, but she loved the rocks!

And Daisy and Caleb loved the slide!

I can hardly believe that is my child. He has gotten so brave! Last year he would have been much too terrified to attempt climbing up the slope with a rope.

Eventually, this girl decided that the big kids were having all the fun. She left her rock bed and crawled right over to the stairs that led up to the slide. Then she began climbing up the stairs! I love how determined she is.

I used the moment as an opportunity for Family Photo - Take Two. Caleb and Daisy were on board.

Lily? Not so much.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I wish I could join you on some of the adventures. Love and miss you guys!
