August 26

I didn't take any pictures with my big camera today, but I just discovered a few gems on my phone that I figured I should share.

This was on August 20. Lily has started climbing, and loves to be in chairs. This chair rocks, so she can't climb up on her own. I helped her up, and she was so pleased! Then she attempted to climb down on her own. This child may be the one to turn my hair completely gray!

For the life of me, I cannot remember the context of this picture. All I remember is that Daisy thought it was pretty fantastic.

Every day when we head to the bus stop to drop off or pick up Caleb, Lily and I try out a new carry with my wrap. This is Giselle's Back Carry, tied with a knotless finish. Lily loves, loves, LOVES going up on my back. As soon as I get out the wrap, she starts kicking and wiggling and grunting, and if I don't put her up immediately, she cries. I can't even begin to describe how rewarding it is that we both love wrapping; that something that is so fun and convenient for me also makes her happy. 

The only problem now is that I want more wraps, and wraps aren't cheap! Right now, I'm itching for a size 3 or 4 wrap, since the two I have are longer. I have my eye on this one and this one, but I have a feeling it's mostly wishful thinking. Maybe someday!

This was in the big bed, before church on Sunday. We took a series of funny-face pictures on my phone, and Caleb liked this one the best.

Finally, one from today. The girls and I stopped by the library, and Lily was desperate to sit in a chair at a table! Once she was up there, the started reaching and grunting toward the pile of books just outside her reach. When I handed her a book of her own, she was one happy girl!

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