May 28

It rained - monsooned - all morning. Luckily, I had a prenatal appointment this morning, and Caleb and Daisy were scheduled to spend the morning at Grandma's, so none of us minded the rain.

Baby Rainbow and I are doing great; my next appointment is a home visit, when the midwife comes to our house to make sure she's familiar with our house and bring home birth supplies. After that, we're up to weekly appointments. Things are starting to move quickly now. It's hard to believe we have only six (or seven, or eight...) weeks left! I suppose I should start preparing for this child's imminent arrival...

The rain subsided during naptime, and then we all went outside to play.

It was warm enough for shorts, but Caleb insisted on pants. That boy keeps declaring that "It is not summer yet!" so he must wear pants. Funny that when it was winter, he insisted on mesh shorts every day...

Isn't he handsome?

Then it was Caleb's turn. He took this picture of me.

Caleb was running up and down the sidewalk, and Daisy decided to join him. 
Instead of just running, though, she wanted to line up at the crack and race.

Their race lasted all of two or three steps, before Caleb had to stop and explain to Daisy that they could just run, they didn't have to race.

I think he didn't like his chances of winning, and they both knew it.

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