May 27

We celebrated Memorial Day by eating breakfast out. As we left the restaurant, Chris and I realized that it was a beautiful morning, so we made a detour to a nearby lake. Though the parking lots were packed, and the path around the lack was filled with a steady stream of brightly-colored walkers, runners, cyclists, and roller bladers, we  had the beach to ourselves.

Since we hadn't planned the outing, I hadn't brought my camera.
It was killing me!
I was forced to lounge, camera-less, on the beach while Chris documented with his phone.

Caleb was thrilled - finally, a lake where it was ok for him to throw endless amounts of rocks and sticks into the water!

Daisy was fearless about getting into the water. She kept going deeper and deeper, up to her knees, picking out big rocks to throw.

It was a perfect morning for beach-going!

Basking in the sunshine, in all of my 34-weeks-pregnant glory.

These two had so much fun!

This might have been one of their favorite parts: a sailor in his one-man boat sailed past, and Caleb yelled "HELLO!" and waved. The sailor waved back. Then fifteen minutes later, the sailor came back - extra close this time. He stopped to chat with us, and the kids were thrilled!

Also, one of the rowers from one of several rowing crews paused in the middle of his stroke to wave hello. Caleb felt like a celebrity.

Then we headed home and spent the rest of the morning working in the back yard and garage, cleaning and organizing and tidying our little hearts out. Right as Chris finished scrubbing our deck, the rains came, and it rained the rest of the day. At least we got in our outdoor fun in the morning!

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