May 17

On days that we watch our friend Andrew, Chris makes breakfast for the kids. That means my mornings are easy-peasy. This morning, while I enjoyed my cup of coffee and my husband-made breakfast, I heard Daisy say, "D-A-I-I-Y. Daisy! Look what I do!"

Now, don't get too excited. She wasn't *actually* writing her name, or anything even remotely resembling letters. And clearly, she wasn't even spelling her name right. But still, for a barely two-year-old, I'm proud that she's pretending to write her name! I do think it's kind of funny that she chose to write it on today's newspaper, but I suppose a girl has to use the materials she has at hand.

Then Andrew arrived, and the fun began. Caleb and Daisy love him so much!

Andrew's summer accessories include a really snazzy hat and some hip shades, and he loves to wear them. When I put them on him while we were enjoying afternoon drinks on the front porch, Caleb and Daisy insisted on hats, too. 
Are these kids a cool bunch, or what? They crack me up!

Sadly, Daisy wouldn't sit still for an appropriately-exposed, perfectly posed shot. But still, between the two pictures, I think you get the idea.

The boys, chilling with their drinks. Nothing like some cold water in a sippy cup on a sunny Friday afternoon!

Watch out, ladies. Andrew is on the prowl!

Daisy, however, was unimpressed. She's a pretty cool cat all by herself!

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