May 26

Today was Chris' Dad's birthday. Since Chris and I usually don't have the best luck picking out gifts for him, we decided to let the kids choose birthday gifts for Grandad this year. Hijinks ensued.

Caleb was especially excited about a pair of ninja action figures he chose - he planned from the beginning that the red one was for him, and the yellow one was for Grandad. Daisy chose a Spiderman ball, and together we chose a dinosaur hat. But the best gift of all was a set of furry, adhesive mustaches.

The kids were very curious as Grandad opened the package and applied the first one.

Dan knew he looked good.

Gayle wasn't quite so sure about her look...

But she knew it was funny!

All of the fake facial hair made Daisy nervous at first, but Grandad's antics quickly won her over.

Then, it was Caleb's turn.

He said, "Do you like my look?"

Sadly, the mustaches were a bit cheaply made, so even the slightest hint of a smile caused them to fall off.


Ha ha!

Chris' turn. Daisy was not a fan.

Happy birthday, Grandad!

1 comment:

  1. pssshhahahahahhaa! OMG I wish I was there! Dad, LOL.
