September 2

My van's air conditioner has been having issues since the beginning of June. For some reason, we haven't been able to take it in to the shop to be fixed until today. September 2. But today was the day, and Chris took my van into the shop, leaving us stuck at home for the day. It worked out perfectly, though, because my friend Amber needed a last-minute sitter for her two boys. It was a win for everyone!

Except maybe Eli. He was a little bit freaked out at first by the two new people who demanded Mommy's attention.
Luckily, I have a wrap for that.
(Don't you love the way he's playing with his toes?)

It was beautiful out, so we spent a while in the back yard. 

Sandbox for the win!

Also, Daisy caught a bug in her bug-catcher. She was really excited.

Then I got out my big camera. 
Have I mentioned that Eli is all about trucks lately?
Obsessed with them. When he found two bulldozers in the sand box, he nearly lost it.

This is officially my current favorite picture of Caleb. It's so hard to take pictures of him lately; they rarely reflect the true him. This one is Caleb, through and through.

Hi, Lily!

The sandbox chaos makes my heart happy!

Drew didn't want to get in the sandbox, though. He had on new shoes, and he didn't want to get them dirty. Good call, kiddo! Instead, he zoomed Roger and Moon Mater around the yard.

(Do you see the red mark on his forehead? That's from when he walked right into Daisy's path as she was swinging really high. She kicked him in the face, and then he fell over and hit his face again on the ground. Poor baby.

I have a wrap for that, too.

He got over it, though, thanks to snuggles and the sandbox. 
Sweet boys! Dean is just a couple months older than Eli, and both are very much in the "parallel play" stage of development. They both made a fine mess!

After lunch, Dean went down for the easiest nap ever, then I put Eli down, and then Lily went down. Winning! The big kids and I played outside. Amber picked her boys up around three, and then my kiddos and I had a nice snuggle.

(Daisy was there, too, but she kept putting her feet in front of the camera, so we kicked her out of the picture. She was sad. And I don't know what Eli is chewing on, but it is probably a choking hazard or made of lead. What do you think, Mom? Should I go check to see if he's still breathing?

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