September 17

I have busy with photo sessions and home schooling and everything under the sun, so pardon me while I play catch-up a bit with some iPhone pictures.

The mailman delivered these leggings yesterday.
That's right, they have flowers and cameras on them. I have never been a legging wearer, but these leggings have convinced me to try. Unfortunately, they are so insanely comfortable that I never want to wear real pants again. Send help. Or else send a few more pairs of leggings and several tunics so that I don't have to wear Leggings As Pants, which is against my moral code.

Nope. Not a real baby on my back. It's just a demo doll, which is a baby doll that has been weighted to make it suitable for practicing babywearing when your real child is unavailable or uncooperative. I am borrowing one from the babywearing group while I practice my skills to become a Babywearing Educator.

I didn't anticipate that my children would become so interested in Heavy Baby, though. The girls and Eli (and secretly Caleb, I think) all took quite a liking to Heavy Baby, and I was constantly finding someone cradling it, or putting it down for a nap. Finally I decided that I should make Daisy and Lily their own Heavy Babies, especially since this one would have to be given back. 
Daisy was so, so excited about her Heavy Baby! It is made from a cheapo Wal-Mart doll, filled with aquarium gravel held in place by knee-high stockings. Really.

Oh, and we went to the Farmer's Market and sampled yummy treats. Lily is even cute while stuffing her face. I hope she carries this trait with her for the rest of her life.

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