December 9

Oh, we had such a lovely morning! Jill and Naomi came over for a playdate. Eli napped for a good chunk of the time, and the girls were over-the-moon excited to have their friend over. Who am I kidding - I was over-the-moon excited to have my friend over. Isn't it nice when your kids like your friends' kids? Daisy handled nearly everything, so Jill and I were able to sit and talk and mostly ignore our children, which is just perfect.

After lunch, the kids and I were playing when Lily grabbed a book and started doing this:

The book is actually called Daisy, Daisy, and I picked it up years ago in the bargain bin at our grocery store. We don't read it a lot, but apparently we read it and sing the song enough for Lily to know almost all of the words!

In the afternoon, the sun shined. That's all you need to know.
While the girls napped, I snapped a few pictures of Eli in front of our big sliding glass doors. Amber loaned me her Canon 7D to play around with, so I enjoyed the chance to experiment with it and my 50mm lens.

This pink ball is actually a baby bottle holder of sorts. Eli just likes to chew on it.

Those eyelashes! His cheeks? I love that baby.

Jill was baffled that Eli still doesn't have any teeth. Not even a hint of a tooth. But in our house, that's par for the course!

Hi, big guy!

After the girls woke up, we went outside to enjoy the sunshine. I put Eli in the swing, and he immediately began laughing and clapping.
First time ever!
You know I took a video.

He is seriously making all kinds of developmental leaps this week. It almost makes up for the fact that he was awake from 2-3:30 this morning, and woke up for the day at 5am.

After dinner, I supervised as Caleb did his homework.
I should know better than to save homework for the end of the day, when he is spent. It was like pulling teeth, and it had me seriously concerned about if we could do homeschooling or not.

(By the way, I think we're going to do it. I should probably make it official and tell his teacher and his school, so he has a chance to say goodbye. But it gets me all nervous and uncomfortable.)

I am terrified. But it will be good. And if it isn't good, we don't have to do it forever. Right?


  1. I'm glad you've decided to do home schooling. Actually, I think you're already home schooling - you teach the kids so much. I've had you pegged for it ever since I've been reading your blog. Don't be nervous about it. I'll put your family on our 7 a.m. prayer list.

  2. Thank you, Shirley, for your encouragement and your prayers. I need both so desperately!
