December 30

Chris has taken the past several days off work, but today he went in to finish some year-end stuff. Since Daddy was away, the kids and I stayed in our jammies all day. Lily's third day of potty training was good - still a few accidents, so we aren't fully there yet, but she seems pretty aware of her body and doesn't need constant reminders. We even left the house this evening for a family trip to the library, and she was fine. Hooray!

The kids wrote thank-you notes today, and as a reward we opened up one of their toys: a marble run.
They needed a bit of assistance to get it set up, and they had so much fun with it!

(Daisy had no idea how it worked. She was trying to catch marbles in the cup, but they didn't come out there.)
I think Lily was fussing for her turn?

Fine, Lily. Your turn.

She was fascinated!

Then Eli woke up. This is the story of him right now: a pile of toys in his wake, boxes and baskets overturned, and one sock discarded somewhere in the chaos. The kid is into everything, and I love it. I mean, yes, it's annoying to have to pick up things eight million times a day. But see that shoe next to him? It's Lily's. At least he doesn't know how to get out more socks, put them on, then take them off and leave them somewhere, then put on more socks, then take them off and leave them somewhere, unlike a certain two-year-old I know.

I know. She looks so innocent reading Goodnight, Moon on the rocking horse, wearing both socks. But don't let her fool you. She went through at least three pairs today.

I can't sit on the ground for any reason without this happening. It doesn't matter what he is doing, or how engaged he is in it; if I sit down on the ground in the same room as him, he will drop what he's doing, crawl over, and climb into my lap. 
Again, it's kind of annoying, but really, really sweet. 
Also, those eyelashes.
And the chubby fingers.

"Ball. Ball. Ball. Ball."


And that's how things go around here.

While the three little ones napped, Caleb and I played at homeschooling. My biggest concern is finding a math curriculum for him, so we spent some time trying out the free resources the Khan Academy offers. Then we worked on his handwriting, using the materials I got from Handwriting Without Tears.

It actually went really well: he was eager to do our schoolwork, we worked well together, and he tried some things that were challenging for him. I don't think I was too pushy, and he didn't give up at his first mistake. It was very encouraging!

Daisy slept long after the other two woke up, so I went in to check on her. I found her sleeping like this: 
She is lying across her bed, with her feet hanging off the edge, with Jimbo the Bear on top of her. How funny is that? Also, she was out cold. I took this picture first with the gray daylight, then I took it again with the room light turned on, and I took it a third time with a flash. Girl didn't budge.
Also, do you notice her custom pillow case? A certain GREAT Aunt made them for the kids, and they love them.

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