December 25

I'm sorry, I really am, about the number of pictures I am about to share. But it's Eli's first Christmas, and we celebrated our own little Christmas this morning, plus one with Chris' family this evening, so today really does warrant a lot of pictures. 

The kids didn't get to bed until about 9:30 last night, which is two hours past their usual bedtime. We really hoped they would sleep in this morning.
They didn't.
My fabulous husband got up with them, though, and since I made cinnamon rolls and an egg casserole yesterday, all he had to do was pop those in the oven and I woke up to breakfast and children ready.

Before we could get to presents, we had to take the traditional "Family in front of the tree, wearing jammies" picture.

What, that's not a thing? Says who? In our family, it's totally a thing.
We give the kids matching jammies on St. Nicholas Day, and Chris and I still wear the jammies we bought to match Caleb the year I was pregnant with Daisy. Isn't it fun to watch our family grow?

Then I wanted to take a picture of just the kids in front of the tree, but this happened: 
Where is Lily?

She was off being two, refusing to be in the picture.

Finally, I suggested to Chris that he get some rice puffs (one of Eli's gifts last night) to bribe her to be in the picture. 
Umm... not quite what I was hoping for, dear. 
He stuffed her mouth full of them, not thinking at all about how that would look for the picture.

So there's our cheerful, messy reality, courtesy of rice puffs.

I love these brothers in their matching jammies!

Daisy tried to help Eli figure out a new toy from last night.

But then she just started playing with it...

And Eli was totally annoyed that his sister was hogging his toy. So it goes, little man. You'd better get used to it!

I wrapped Eli's gifts in bird paper; this one was a bird feeder. He was delighted!

Grace sent Lily these darling little koala bears. The mama is wearing a baby on her back, and Lily fell in love with them!

Then we took a break for breakfast.

Isn't he cute?

Chris pointed Eli's sweet little toes out to me, and I had to photograph them. Someday, they'll be big, stinky toes, so I'm trying to appreciate them now.

I gave the kids all umbrellas for Christmas. Some kids might think that's a lame gift, but mine were thrilled!

They were pretending to be Mary Poppins.

The mini-trampoline, courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa, was a big hit!

And then, it was nap time. All three kids napped for close to three hours, and Chris and I put things away, cleaned the basement to make room for all the new toys, and generally recovered.

Then it was time for Christmas, Round 3, at Chris' parents' house. 
The girls and I were all wearing hair bows, so we took a picture of our festive attire.

Dan and Eli were happy to see each other!

Eli had so much fun exploring the den while everyone else was playing and talking.

Goodness. Isn't he sweet?

Some day, I'll be a good enough photographer with fancy enough equipment to photograph this spot well. But this isn't the day.

Eli was totally interested in all of it: the lights, the packages, the ribbons, the ornaments!

This is officially my favorite picture of Eli's first Christmas.

I love this.

And I love this, too. It's only missing Grace and Adam. Sally recently moved away, and we were expecting that she wouldn't be home for Christmas. What a wonderful surprise it was to see her here!

Eli still hasn't mastered the present-opening. 
But look at Lily. Do you see the fluffy lamb in the corner? It's her new favorite gift. It sings "Jesus Loves Me" in a voice that is not at all obnoxious (really) and she has named it "Lambie".
Also, she has a candy in her hand. When we told her we were going to see Grandad and Grandmother, she immediately asked, "Grandad give me candies?"
She knows. 
When I told Caleb we were going to Grandad and Grandmother's and there would be more presents, he looked at me in shock. 
"There are more presents??"
His mind was blown.

Daisy seems to have a thing for Eli's toys.

All in all, I think it was one of my favorite Christmases ever with Chris' family. It was just perfect!

When the girls went to bed around 10:00, they insisted on wearing the new, matching, footie pajamas Grandmother gave them. They were so excited to be dressed like babies! (Their words, not mine.)

It was a full, busy day, and we are so very thankful. 
For family, for abundance, for Jesus. 
We are thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Wow looks like a fun day. Those pictures of Eli by the tree are so sweet. He has the cutest, happiest little smile! Those jammies are really cute. I remember me and Sally having some like that, lol..
