December 4

Eli was a stinker about his nap this morning, but when he finally went down, it was beautiful.

I was about to type that I like him best when he's sleeping, but that's totally not true. 
I still feel like I don't really know Eli's personality; he's different from the other three in that way, and it alternately makes me worried or makes me feel like a bad mom. But lately it seems that he grows more and more fun each day. 

He may be adorable when he's asleep, with those rosy cheeks and squishy lips, but he's even sweeter when he's awake.
He's a happy, content, funny little boy.
He likes the cat, and got to actually pet her yesterday.
Now he's trying really hard to say the word "cat".
He loves to be wherever his siblings are.
He likes balls and cars and birds.
He just started shaking his head at me - "No no, mama." 
He may not be saying it yet, but I can tell he's thinking it. 

And then there's this little stinker. She was really proud of her getup.Can you tell that those blocks at the bottom are soft, and she has her feet through the holes in them so that they are acting like shoes? And she's wearing the third block on her wrist, like a bracelet. 
With a Santa hat that she calls her "soft hat" - no similar hats will do; it has to be this hat.

These kids keep me on my toes. It's a good thing they're so funny and cute, though.

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