December 11

I'm done! I just finished editing the last batch of photos for other people, and I currently have no more sessions scheduled this month. Hooray! It has been wonderful to have so many opportunities to learn and improve with my photography, and even more wonderful to have some extra money in the bank account. However, finding the time to edit 2-3 sessions a week was really challenging, and I'm thankful that things have slowed down. Hopefully they'll pick back up in the spring!

Chris had some vacation days to burn before the end of the year, so he took today off. Our one plan was heading out to see the last Hunger Games movie this afternoon; otherwise, the day was open. That good man took Eli at 5 am, snuggled him back to sleep, and let me sleep until I jolted awake at 8:21 and ran to the kitchen, frantic because he hadn't taken Caleb to the bus. What if he had forgotten it was a school day??? Luckily, Chris was planning on driving Caleb to school. Relieved, I grabbed Eli to nurse him and put him down for his morning nap.

Eli and I stayed in our jammies most of the morning, and Chris handled everything. I suppose it wasn't much of a vacation day for him, but it was lovely for me! Chris usually unloads the dishwasher every morning, but he was so distracted with making breakfast and packing lunch that he never got around to it. That meant that later in the morning, I got to experience Eli "helping" unload the dishwasher.

Isn't he funny? 
I have a friend who has twins a month younger than Eli, and she just posted pictures on Facebook of her little ones standing on the dishwasher, pulling the upper rack. I am so, so thankful that my ten-month-old is flat on the ground, right where he belongs!

Chris and I had just gotten the little ones down for their naps when my mom arrived. She tended to everything so that we could go see our move. We enjoyed ourselves, but the best part was coming home to find the children playing happily and my mom beaming. She told me, "Your children are so sweet, funny, and well-behaved! It is such a joy to be here!" and I could tell she meant it, which made my heart so very happy.

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