December 1

That's right. 
How on earth did that happen?

We had an awful morning here. I wasted 40 minutes trying to get Eli down for his 7am nap, and when I gave up and came out, I found Caleb still in his jammies, playing with Legos. Not ready for school. Nothing. I lost it and spent the next hour slamming things and shouting. I'm sure it was exacerbated by the fact that I wasn't able to have my coffee, pump, or eat breakfast, but it was bad.  It makes me scared that the postpartum depression is coming back, but I'm praying it was just a bad morning.

I had to drive Caleb to school, then take Daisy to preschool, and then the little ones (including Mr. No-Nap Eli) and I went to Amber's house for a playdate. It was such an awful morning that I seriously considered cancelling with her, but I'm so glad we went. I was able to mostly ignore my children and chat and drink coffee with someone who is so very well acquainted with all of my shortcomings, and still loves me dearly. Good friends are a balm for the ragged soul.

We left just in time to pick Daisy up from preschool, then home for lunch and naps. Eli only napped for two hours, when he really should have slept for at least three, so he was high maintenance when he woke up.

It doesn't help that he keeps bonking his head on things. Look at that red mark on his forehead!

It's obnoxious funny how babies can be so happy one moment, and three seconds later they are so upset. Eli is totally there right now.

Soon it was time to get Caleb off the bus, so I wrapped Mr. Grouchy Pants up on my back, covered him with my big cardigan, and away we went.

We are such a funny sight that I had to take a few pictures. 

I like the sunshine in this one.

Caleb was in a foul mood when he got off the bus, I was still crabby, and Chris got stuck at work late. It was awful. Mr. Grouchy baby fussed and cried unless he was on my back, and then he only fussed 25% of the time. The girls colored together on the couch while I made dinner.
Note: this is a sign of how desperate I was. I allowed Lily to use the smelly markers (which claim to be washable but totally aren't) unsupervised, on the couch. I just needed her to leave me alone, so I let it happen. Also, Daisy is really good at tattling supervising.

Caleb finally got to put up his window clings, which made him happy for a brief moment.

I held dinner off as long as I could, and Chris got home right as dinner was ready and right as Eli decided he couldn't hold it together any longer. I took Eli straight to my room, where I fed him and we shared a snuggle and a snooze.

Now the day is over, and I'm praying tomorrow is better. It's a late start day for Caleb, so we can take the morning nice and slow. 

Also, I found these pictures on my phone that I meant to share yesterday.

Eli woke up from his first nap and the girls begged to join him in his crib. As you can tell from Eli's tuxedo sleep sack, it was a formal affair.

He loves playing in his crib with his sisters!
(Except when they get too excited and everyone gets bonked.)

And here's happy Daisy in her box fort. Doesn't she look like a cat who just ate a canary? That girl is something else.

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