December 31

It's hard to believe that it's already New Year's Eve! Tonight marks several milestones for our family; for one, it marks four years that we have lived in this house. There is still so much for us to do to it, but considering the fact that we have twice as many children now as we did when we moved in, I will try not to judge us too harshly.

Chris took Caleb and Daisy to the Magic House this morning. He thought about taking Lily, too, but then she had two potty accidents before 9:00 and he decided she needed to stay home. Smart man.

When they got home, I left for a lunch date with friends. I came home to find this:
Eli was supposed to be napping, but instead he was playing cars with the big boys. I don't blame him; it looked fun!

He was an hour past nap time, but he didn't seem to mind.

His little feet kill me!

Eventually he went down for his nap, and right after he went down, Lily woke up. She kept her diaper dry during nap time, and promptly used the potty. Chris was getting ready to go to Costco, so he told Lily to put some undies on so she could come with him.

She complied. 
And then we died laughing. 
The girl put her underwear on top of her pants! Eventually we got the situation fixed and Chris, Caleb, and Lily went to Costco while Eli and Daisy napped and I made dinner.

One of my favorite new traditions is our annual fancy New Year's Eve dinner. We get dressed up in our "fanciest" clothes and eat crab legs and steak. I was surprised that, a few weeks ago, Caleb asked about the crab legs. We've only done it twice, but he remembered and was looking forward to the crab legs. You know it's a good tradition if the kids are looking forward to it, too!

So as I was finishing up dinner, I helped the kids choose their fanciest clothes. Then I got out the New Year hats, crowns, necklaces, and noise makers.

Lily is wearing her new Sophia the First costume, a New Year necklace, and dress-up princess shoes. Eli has a bowtie and one sock. (of course he's missing a sock.)
Caleb asked for a real tie, with a top hat and a noise maker.
Daisy has a Mexican peasant dress that came from Mexico when I was a child, with princess shoes and a crown.

Fancy, no?

Family picture!
Chris is wearing a suit and ill-fitting top hat, and I have the dress and shoes I wore to the ball a few weeks ago. The kids were quite impressed.

Happy New Year!

Our feast was steak, snow crab legs, roasted broccoli, and twice-baked potatoes. Chris and I enjoyed both champagne and a bottle of shiraz over the course of the evening, and the kids enjoyed some sparkling pink lemonade.
For dessert, we had some chocolate cupcakes with buttercream and Heath bar bits that Lily and I made while the big kids were at the Magic House.
Quite a feast!

Eli liked it all, but he was especially fond of the broccoli.
(I don't know what's going on with that red eye. It started after his nap yesterday, then faded, then came back at dinnertime tonight when he rubbed his eye while holding the broccoli. I know it's not pinkeye, though. At least there's that.)


I tried my best to get a picture of Eli wearing a New Year crown, but he wasn't so into it.

This was the best I could do.
I suppose really, that's the story of 2015. It was the best I could do, and it was good enough. Let's hope 2016 is even better!

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