December 28

We started potty training Lily today. 
Up 'til now, she has shown very little interest in potty training, and never successfully used the potty at all. But I decided it was time, and since Chris is off work much of the week and we're hanging out at home, the timing is perfect. Last night, I told Lily we would start potty training today. This morning, when she woke up and I told her that she wouldn't be wearing a diaper today, she immediately lit up. "OH!" she shouted in delight, "Get on Potty Train!"
And then I died laughing.
Luckily, she wasn't too disappointed when I explained to her that she would be learning to use the potty, not actually getting on a specific locomotive. For the rest of the day, every time it was time for Lily to use the potty, Chris and I shouted, "Choo, choo!" and Lily would get annoyed and tell us with a scowl, "Not like that."

Considering her previous lack of interest, Lily did a great job today! She had a few accidents, but many more successes, including one of the solid kind, which any veteran potty trainer can tell you is a big deal. I hope tomorrow goes even better!

Another exciting thing: Today, Caleb finally finished the ginormous Lego set he got for his birthday. He has been working on it for months now! He wouldn't let me take a picture of him with it, so I handed him my camera and let him take his own picture of the big project.

And when he handed the camera back to me, I totally snuck this picture:

I don't feel sorry about taking a picture against his wishes at all.

Other big news: today is Eli's 11-month birthday! I tried my best to take some good birthday pictures (as well as some to use for his 1st birthday invitation!), but the cold, dreary, rainy grayness of everything was not helpful. I got out my studio lights, and thanks to those I managed to take some pictures. 

At 11 months, Eli naps twice a day, for anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours at a time.
He goes to bed in his crib at 7:30, and sleeps until about 11:30, when he wakes to nurse and join us in our bed.
He wakes up around 6 or 6:30 most mornings.

Eli recently mastered crawling, and can pull up to his knees or standing.
He likes to sit back on his knees, but doesn't cruise.
He is working on Downward Dog.
I haven't weighed him recently, but I'm guessing he weighs around 19 pounds.

At this point, Eli has no teeth. 
And no sign of any coming soon, though I realize he will eventually get some.
He nurses about 5 times each day, as well as whenever he wants in the night.
Eli loves to eat real food; particular favorites are beans and blueberries.

He has become very communicative. 
Eli signs "milk" when he wants to nurse.
He is working on waving hi and bye, but is usually figures it out too late for it to be useful.
He says cat, dog, mama, ball, bird, hi, bye, and dada. 
He might also say the word more, and he's working on milk.
He likes to give big, open-mouthed kisses.

And he loves his siblings.
Other favorite things are balls, cars, and animals (especially those that let him pet them).
We took him to the YMCA pool tonight, and he was so happy.
He loves to snuggle and be wrapped on my back.
He thinks peek-a-boo is hilarious.
I think he is hilarious.

And then there's this girl. She got some non-toxic fingernail polish for Christmas, and is so pleased with her pink fingernails. 
I am so pleased with this picture, which perfectly captures how sweet, soft, squishy, and snuggly she is right after she wakes up from a nap. It's the best thing ever.

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