December 12

I was at the ACT all morning, but as I headed home, I decided it was definitely time to finally take pictures of the kids for Christmas cards. You know, since Christmas is in less than two weeks. So I stopped at Target on the way home to grab a few items for Christmas outfits, and when I got home I promptly got to work setting things up. 

It was gray and gloomy and the girls didn't wake up from naps until it was dark out, so I had to use my studio lights. One of the reasons I haven't taken pictures yet was that I was waiting for a time/day/scenario where I could use natural light. It wasn't happening, so I was very thankful for those lights!

Today I'll share some pictures we didn't use.

Aren't they cute? Caleb insisted on the hat. I convinced him to take a few without it, too. You can't really tell in this photo, but the boys have matching red bow ties and Caleb is wearing a pair of red pants. I picked up both the bow ties and pants at Target today, and Caleb lit up when he saw them. When he put his outfit on, he walked with swagger. I love when I am able to choose something that he loves!

Oh, Eli. Always with the mouth open!
New today: Eli laughs at silly faces. Cracks up. It is so funny!

Lily wanted a turn to hold Eli, so I let her. I snapped this picture right before she dropped him. Thanks to my cat-like reflexes, his head didn't hit the floor and no one was injured.
Note to self: Don't let the two-year-old hold the baby.

Yep. She's a stinker.
Also, can you believe all that hair? I mean, I see her on a daily basis, so I shouldn't be surprised. But I was totally surprised when I saw her!

Christmas photos: silly hats edition.
Lily didn't want a hat, though. She chose the dancing penguin instead. And Eli refused to wear his hat. Also, the snaps on his pants kept coming undone, so you could see his blue cloth diaper. At least the pants were a hand-me-down and I didn't pay for them!

I'm pretty sure this was Lily's favorite photo of the night. She didn't want to be in a picture, but then I told her she could pretend Caleb was a horse. She raced to be in the picture then!

So. Christmas card photos are taken and (mostly) edited. Now I have to choose a few and design and order a card. Then I have to wait for it to arrive. Then I have to address all the cards. Then I have to put them in the mail.
Our cards may be late, but they will happen, by golly!

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