December 3

I still can't believe it's December, but it is. We had MOPS this morning, and after my blowup tantrum morning on Tuesday, things went much more smoothly today. Caleb and Daisy are now getting dressed as soon as they wake up, and I'm trying to make sure we all do our first things first, so that if I have to spend half an hour putting Eli down for his morning nap, all is not lost. So this morning was hectic, but it worked. Eli napped from 7:30-9:00, then we got Daisy to preschool a little bit late, and we arrived at MOPS just about five minutes late. Not too shabby! Of course, by the time we left MOPS, Eli was overdue for a nap and done.

My afternoon involved feeding everyone lunch, putting everyone down for naps, attempting to edit pictures but procrastinating and doing everything else that needs to be done first, and then Eli woke up. So it goes.

He took a great  nap, but was still crabby and fussy when he woke up, so we did the one thing that always makes him happy: we snuggled and nursed in my bed.

Look at him climbing up over me! He is so proud of himself.

What a sweet little boy!
Big boy?

It was time to go get Caleb from the bus, so we peeked in at Daisy to see if she was awake.
I found this: 
Where is Daisy?
She was hiding under that tent of sheets, sound asleep. Funny girl.

And then it was dinner and laundry and Caleb had Tiger Scouts so I put the younger three to bed by myself. Eli sleeping in the crib in the evenings is still a new thing, so I was apprehensive that he might not allow me to nurse him and put him down. It works for Chris, but would it work for me?

Thankfully, it did. He wasn't sound asleep when I left, but he was able to fuss for a few minutes and settle himself down. 
It's a new thing for him, and I'm so thankful. We are making progress with the sleep stuff! Praise God.

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