December 18

We spent the day recovering from our late night at the Garden Glow last night. Daisy, Lily, and Eli all have colds, and Caleb and I are starting to get colds. Even though the kids got to bed after 10:00 last night, they still woke up at their usual 6:30. I don't know what is wrong with them and why they seem to be physically incapable of sleeping in, but it was a rough morning. 

As I bundled all four children up in coats, hats, and mittens, then bustled them out the door to take Caleb to the bus stop, I realized that we only have a few more days left of that. It's a little thing, but the bus stop bustle is something I will be so glad to be done with once we start home schooling! It takes 20-30 minutes every morning and afternoon just to get all the kids ready, walk to the  bus stop, wait for the bus, and then walk home. And in the winter? Or the rain? Ugh. I'm over it.

The one thing on our calendar today was gymnastics for Daisy. It is her favorite thing ever, and it only happens once a month. So when she scowled and informed me that she was not going to gymnastics, I knew it was the residual tiredness talking, not Daisy. 
OK, I'll be totally honest here. I definitely had some residual tiredness, too, and I was much less patient and creative and kind than I could have been. I yelled and forced her to get ready. It was not my finest parenting moment, and I was definitely feeling flustered when we got to gymnastics. Luckily, Amber was there and Amber totally gets it. Once Daisy got into the gym, everything was fine.

Afterwards, Eli was utterly adorable at lunch time. I got my camera out and played peek-a-boo from behind it, and he was enthralled.
He is covered in blueberry, yogurt, and goodness knows what else, and thoroughly enjoying a cracker. (Note: this is what happens when you don't typically feed your kids traditional crackers. They begin to perceive a real, normal cracker as a huge treat. It's kind of funny and kind of sad.)

We'll go with funny.

Hi, cutie pie!

And then it was nap time. But as I was walking Lily back to her room, I realized that her awesome outfit needed to be documented for posterity. She chose it all herself.

The outfit started with the fishy shirt, which is a perennial favorite. I told her she needed long sleeves, so she went back and grabbed the purple shirt. 

Then she wanted to wear the flowered skirt, but I told her she needed tights. So she ran back and got striped tights.

Finally, she added pink jellies. On the wrong feet. 
I would like to state that I did, in fact, take the jellies of and put them on the right feet, but at some point she switched them back to the wrong feet. Whatever, girl. 

Two-year-olds are awesome. I'm not even being sarcastic. I love this age.
Also, she's holding a toy camera because I told her I wanted to take her picture. Of course she would grab a toy camera, just in case I needed it.

Meanwhile, Eli found a shaky egg. 
(He had just had his post-lunch wipedown and wardrobe change.)

And there he is, laughing at Lily. 
Where's Daisy? Not in any of these pictures because I knew better than to even try with her today. I'm sure she'll be more cheerful tomorrow.

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