June 2

Oh! I just noticed that this is my 1500th blog post!
That's right. Over the past 4 years and 8 months, I have written 1500 blog posts. I'm not sure if that's awesome or insane, but either way, I'm claiming it.

Caleb started "Practice Kindergarten" today, and I was really hoping to make this morning easy and stress-free for him.
Then I ended up sleeping until 7:14, and I had been hoping to leave the house at 7:20. Lily was still asleep, and Caleb and Daisy were still in their jammies. Oops. Luckily, Chris had fed the big kids breakfast, so he woke Lily and changed her diaper while I got myself and Caleb dressed. We rushed out the door, and got to the bus stop right on time. *whew!* Hopefully tomorrow is better.

Despite our chaotic start, Caleb wasn't nervous at all. He did great!
My silly boy, on his way to "sillygarten".
We just bought his muscle shirt the other day, and he was so excited to wear it for the first time. What can I say? I have a patriotic boy. I also have a bruised boy; I helped him with his bath tonight and was shocked at all the bruises peppering his little body! I hope the sillygarten teachers don't think we're abusing him!

While Caleb was at school, Lily napped and Daisy and I made three dozen muffins. I'm trying to stockpile breakfast items so that mornings will be easier for the next three weeks, and for when Chris goes off to banking school in August.

I had to wake up poor Lily again to go get Caleb, who didn't have much to say about his morning. He did mention that his teacher looked like Princess Leia, that the bus driver told them to all sit down because he didn't want anyone flying around, and that he sat next to a boy who was "silly, just like me!" But that's all he would share.

Remarkably, all three children napped at the same time, and I was able to take a short nap, too. It was beautiful.

Then we played in the water. 
Lily looks serious about her water play,  until you pan out and see that the scene really looked like this:


And Daisy... well, she was being dramatic. 
She stopped crying right after I took this picture. Apparently she knew she was being ridiculous?

We put all three kids to bed early tonight, so hopefully they'll be more cheerful in the morning.

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