June 18

We picked Caleb up from school today and headed out for another picnic playdate.
This time, we got to play with my friend Jill and her sweet baby, Naomi, who is a month younger than Lily. I was worried because it was 95 degrees out, but it ended up being just perfect. Jill and I sat with the babies in the shade on the beach while Caleb and Daisy played in the sand. It was breezy and lovely, and I think I might want to do it again every day.

When I started trying to take this picture, both Lily and Naomi were trying to stand. It was so funny to see both girls doing the same thing!

I brought some pinwheels to entertain the babies, and Naomi loved them!

I gave the big kids some watermelon, and Daisy exclaimed, "OH! THAT'S a special treat!"
This is her making a watermelon rind "smile".
Caleb did one, too, but his watermelon had sand on it. So did his water bottle. Everything had sand on it.

And Lily chewed on my necklace.

Goodness. Her wild hair!

Oh! Now it's a watermelon frown!

Daisy did it, too.

And this girl? She practiced pulling up to standing over and over and over again. In this picture, she pulled up on my knee, then began licking my leg. It was both gross and hilarious.

Also, do you remember yesterday's post, in which I lamented that she was making me crazy with the night waking? Today I discovered why.
She has a tooth!
You can kind of see it in the picture above, though it's not in the shiny-white-tooth stage yet. It's more of the crack-in-her-gumline phase, and if I press my finger down I can feel the sharp ridges. Tomorrow is her 11-month birthday, so I'm excited that she finally has her first tooth! It's funny that her only teething symptom has been having a hard time falling asleep. Maybe that amber necklace is working, after all!

And then she got my phone. I love how she mimics me! It's especially appropriate because my ridiculous introversion means I never actually talk to people on the phone - I only text them. So the girl only mimics texting, not talking.

"What? I can talk into this thing? No way!"

And Caleb practiced climbing trees. He was pretending to be Tarzan. Funny boy.

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