June 17

It was 94 degrees today, and somehow we scheduled an outdoor playdate with some of Caleb's preschool friends. Luckily, we were smart and planned the paydate at a park with a splash pad.
Unluckily, it turned out that the splash pad was broken.
*whomp whomp*

But that didn't damper our fun. The kids and I got there early and had a picnic in the shade before everyone else arrived. I can't think of a better way to eat watermelon than outside, in swimsuits, in the shade, on a hot, sunny day.

Daisy agreed.

Lily was focused on her lunch. I think she had a whole pretzel twist in her mouth.

And happy Caleb tried to hide behind a cheese stick.

Despite the heat, we had so much fun! We got home in time for Lily's nap, so the big kids played in the water in the back yard. After dinner, we went up to the neighborhood pool for kickboard practice, where Caleb did a great job. Daisy, not so much. She still refuses to get in the pool and use her kickboard, but today I convinced her to sit on the edge and practice her kicking. Baby steps, I suppose.

And now, Chris is entertaining Lily while I write this. It looks something like this: 
Such a big girl, huh?

She's also a big girl who has been consistently waking up twice each night. A month ago, she was only waking once and occasionally sleeping through the night. Not anymore. We go out of town next week, and when we return it will be time for Baby Boot Camp, with the goal of night weaning Lily and helping her to sleep through the night by her first birthday. 
Mama can't take much more of this.

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