June 19

Sheesh! It has been a busy week for us! Today alone we had school for Caleb, a MOPS playdate, kickboard practice, and book club for me. Luckily, I managed to sneak in Lily's 11-month birthday pictures. They didn't turn out super-great, but given our limited time, I'm fine with that.

A picture of Lily standing/cruising was a must; it's all she wants to do these days! 
(And yes, that's her amber teething necklace around her ankle. We keep it there at night, and I must have forgotten to remove it! Whoops!)

Hi, sweet girl! I love how the light in our dining room creates that dramatic black background. It didn't look anything like that when I was taking the picture! 
There's a silly Lily smile! 

And here are her 11-month stats. I didn't get to weigh her today, so maybe I'll add that info tomorrow. My guess is something just over 18 pounds.

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