June 2

The baby I hear screaming on my monitor pretty much assures me that yes, the children are still sick. (Don't worry; Chris is in there with her right now, but Daddy doesn't have Mommy's secret weapon(s), hence the screaming.)

It's been a rough few nights week. Really, we're going on nearly two weeks of a low-grade fever and fussiness for Daisy. Frankly, I'm nearing the end of my maternal patience. I'm sorry she's sick, I wish I could make her better, I feel terrible for her, but mostly? I just want her to stop being such a drama queen and be her normal self again. (A good night's sleep might also help both of us.) And then there's Caleb, who has been feverish and  cough-y since Wednesday.

Luckily, it's not all fussing, all the time in our household. Nighttime just seems to  be the worst. (Note to God: that's a mean trick. You know mamas of sick babies need a good night's sleep. Why would you make it so that sick babies are always the fussiest at night? Not fair.)

Knowing I was at my limit, Chris sent me out for a child-free afternoon of grocery shopping and bargain hunting. While I was gone, he happened upon this scene:
That would be Caleb, with an upside-down guitar and a microphone crafted out of a stick and a shampoo bottle cap, singing, "Tonight, Tonight" by Hot Chelle Rae. (What can I say? He likes the hits.) Please note that Caleb has so much snot smeared on his face that it has begun collecting dirt.
 I wish I was making this up. 
As soon as Chris set the camera down, Caleb handed him the microphone so that they could duet together.

Later, Chris and the kids washed the cars while I made dinner.

I took this photo, but when I opened it up on the computer, I almost died laughing. Caleb has clearly turned into me: his sunglasses up in his hair, his finger over the hose nozzle to create a big spray. He didn't know how to do that last week. Funny boy.

The thing I love about nearly-three is his desire to help. He's so eager to assist in anything we ask of him. Tonight, Caleb carried all of our plates and silverware out to the table on the deck, brought out most of the food, and even delivered Chris' full water glass and my full water glass safely to the table. He was so pleased to help, and it made my mommy-heart feel all tingly inside.

While those darn bi-peds washed the car, Daisy sat contentedly in the grass, emptying the box o' toys that lives in the garage.

Ooh! She's clearly found something of interest in there!

I love that she has her other little hand on the box, steadying it so that she can pull out whatever treasure it is she sees.

Oh! It was a ball!

I love this girl.
(She's finally quiet. Maybe she'll sleep for us, after all?)

1 comment:

  1. caleb looks like my memories of my dad washing the car every single weekend. every. single. wkend. no matter what. the sunglasses, the finger in the water spraying the car. the adroable face. the outfit. all of it. wow.
