June 21

Big surprise here...

Daisy is sick. 

She is sickedy sick sick sick. Why? Well, we went to church on Sunday. By Tuesday, she was lethargic and feverish. I am seriously ready to quit church; Chris and I are discussing alternating Sundays so that one of us will always be home with Daisy. She sees a pediatric immunologist at the end of August, but that's two months away, and realistically the immunologist probably won't have a magic pill to fix Daisy. So we have to figure out something that works to keep her better. So far, the only options I can come up with are avoiding every potentially illness-causing event or drastically altering our diet to a terrifying extent.

I haven't decided which I prefer.

In the meantime, there's ice cream.
This was this afternoon, when Daisy's temp was 103.7.  Tylenol, a cool cloth, and nudity made her comfortable enough to nurse and eat a little bit of dinner. But I'm pretty sure that ice cream is my favorite fever-reducer. 
(Side note: my mom was feeding Daisy the ice cream and said, "Here, Daisy. This will cool you off!" and Daisy immediately began blowing on her ice cream. You know, to cool it off? I am continually baffled by the things she knows and understands.)

Daisy did pretty well with her spoon!

(Mom came over straight after work to watch the kids so that I could go grocery shopping without a toddler and a sick baby. For that, I am extremely grateful. It means that I can go to bed now, instead of rushing out to the store. That's a good thing, especially if tonight is anything like last night was for poor Daisy.)

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