June 26

That girl of mine is nothing but trouble.

She was fine Saturday and Sunday, but her temp has been hovering around 100 for the past two days. I'm going to wager that it's unrelated to the previous sickness, and that it is actually teething-related. Low-grade fevers aside, the kids were darling today. We soaked up every minute of the beautiful weather.

 My goofy boy. I haven't posted many pictures of him lately, have I? He has been surprising me lately with how much he knows, remembers, and says. I know I'm biased, but I think the kid is something special. 
(Please disregard the dried-up gravy on his nose, leftover from this morning's biscuit-and-gravy session.)

Any guesses what Daisy is smiling about? Hint: it's Caleb.

He turned a bowl into a hat, and Daisy thought it was the funniest, most clever thing she had ever seen. 

Oh, how she adores him!

And as soon as his back was turned, she was mimicking him. I love their relationship!

Pardon me while I turn into a puddle of goo all over my keyboard.
(Barely-related side note: Caleb is in love with a darling little girl at church. Harper is a towheaded tomboy who barely tolerates Caleb's displays of affection. He spends most of church following her around, trying to give her hugs and kisses. Generally she just pushes him away or says no, which surprised her mom. Harper is known to punch or bite people who pester her. At church on Sunday, Caleb and I passed Harper and her mom on their way out the door. Caleb whispered goodbye to Harper, and she came over and gave him a - totally unsolicited - kiss, then a hug. Caleb has been on cloud nine ever since.)

Me: "Caleb, it's time to eat lunch!"
Caleb: "I'm just going to play a little basketball first!"

He nailed it.

He knew he nailed it.

Daisy loves climbing up on our fireplace hearth. I think she thinks it's a stage.

She also recently discovered that she can push a button on this schoolbus and play music. The girl grinned from ear to ear the first time she did it. Another first that I didn't manage to photograph? Today she made a tower of blocks - four blocks high! Way to go, Daisy! I'd never seen her stack any before, probably because Caleb always knocks them over. But she went ahead and did four at once, just to prove that she could. That's my girl.

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