October 28

It was sunny and 79 degrees today. At the end of October. 
Chris took my van in for an oil change, so the kids and I walked up to the library as a fun morning adventure. 

As we walked home, I had to take Caleb's book away from him because he was trying to walk and read at the same time, and not keeping up with the rest of the family. That kid has become such a book worm, and I find it equally heartwarming and frustrating. Chris and I have launched a major effort to get Caleb to write more fluently and confidently, and today I felt like we are making major progress. He wrote a really great 5-sentence paragraph, with very little direction from me. Once we got past the initial hurdle of building his confidence and getting him to write, I was thrilled and delighted by his voice and creativity in writing. I know all moms feel this way, but I think my boy is something special. It's just that sometimes we have to part a curtain to see that, or get through the fog to let his talents shine. I'm working on figuring out how to help that happen more often.

While I made lunch, the kids read and played. They discovered a jack-o-lantern night light the other day, and had just plugged it in. Sweet Eli thought it was a candle, and kept trying to blow it out.

That little boy is too funny!

After naps, our day looked like this:

You can see a sliver of Daisy in this photo. Do you notice that she is wearing her swimsuit? That is because she first came up to me and said, "I feel like I want to be in my underwear".
When I told her that under no circumstances was she allowed to play outside in just her underwear, she grew indignant. I suggested shorts, a t-shirt, a tank top... nope. Finally I suggested a swimsuit, and that satisfied her. But as soon as she emerged in her swimsuit, she demanded, "Can we set up the pool? Why am I wearing a swimsuit if there is no pool?"
My response was, "No, we are not setting up the pool at the end of October, and you are wearing your swimsuit because YOU ARE WEIRD."

They had to have baths tonight because their scalps and every crevice were covered with sand.

Meanwhile, Caleb kept on reading.
I love that boy.

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