October 30

Today was such a hectic day that I totally forgot I took any pictures, and thus forgot to blog. Oops.

A quick rundown of our day:
Caleb to bus
Daisy to preschool
grocery store
Old Navy to get a winter coat for Caleb
stop at home to grab my camera
back to preschool for Daisy's fall party
home for lunch
bake a cheesecake using a recipe that must have been maliciously altered by the author
pick Caleb up at the bus stop, only
Caleb wasn't on the bus
wake up Daisy, check on cheesecake baking in oven, and drive to school to pick up Caleb, who (along with two other kids in his class) missed the bus because his substitute teacher didn't know what she was doing
home to make dinner/finish that darned cheesecake
finish dinner and head to the mall to buy a winter coat for Daisy
book club
to my parents' house to drop some of that stupid delicious cheesecake off for my mom

Can you blame me for forgetting that I took these pictures of Daisy at her preschool party? Since not everyone celebrates Halloween, they have a pajama day and a fall party. This year, I exercised restraint and did not volunteer to make/do/bring anything. It was lovely.

Lily and I arrived to find Daisy's teacher, Ms. Amy, helping Daisy with their art project. As soon as Daisy noticed I was there and taking pictures, she stuck her little tongue out. She is such a stinker!

There. A tongue-free picture of Daisy working on her paper-plate ghost.

She really liked this game at the light table. She chose a trasparency with a tree trunk and a number drawn on it, then used the tongs to place leaves on the tree.

She looks like such a big girl here, and I love the butterfly on the wall behind her!

 I remember Caleb loving this activity last year - the teachers pre-drilled holes in pumpkins, then let the kids use toy hammers to pound golf tees in to the pumpkins. It is so much fun!

At circle time at the end of the morning, Daisy ran to the purple spot and asked me to sit on the blue one next to her. What a sweetie!

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