October 25

I supervised the ACT today, so Chris was in charge of the kiddos all morning. When I got home at 1:30, I found Caleb and Daisy - still in their pajamas - playing on the swing set while Lily napped and Chris raked in the back yard.

After a quick nap, I got to work finishing up the kids' Halloween costumes for a trunk or treat at Caleb's school. We weren't planning on going at first, but it became clear over the last week that Caleb really wanted to go. Chris and I talked about it, and decided that even though we are introverts who would rather stay home, we shouldn't let that keep Caleb from having a chance to experience events like this. So we decided to go. 
Which meant that I had to finish four handmade costumes by this evening, despite a pretty hectic weekend. Luckily, I only had to add finishing touches to Chris and Caleb's pirate costumes and Daisy's mermaid costume. It was Lily's parrot costume that needed a lot of work. 

In the two hours I had, I managed to get everything finished and get dinner made, but by the time my slow-poke children finished their dinner and were ready for the event, we had no sunlight or time left for pictures at home of their awesome costumes. We ended up arriving at the event about 20 minutes before it was over, which was pretty disappointing. Luckily, the kids didn't know any better, so they weren't upset.

Pirate Caleb and mermaid Daisy. 
She ditched her blue wig at the last minute. 
Earlier in the week I explained to them that mermaids swim in the waters near pirate ships and the pirates think the mermaids are beautiful, so they chase after them to give them hugs and kisses. 
In this picture, Daisy was begging Caleb to put his arm around her because that's what pirates try to do. Caleb, however, was seriously in character as a pirate, and would only give me his serious pirate face.

Daddy to the rescue! Pirate Daddy was willing to put his arm around mermaid Daisy. Parrot Lily is supposed to be on Chris' back, but the girl got annoyed with the hood on her costume and we took it off. I'll have to figure out something different before we go trick or treating on Halloween!

At least I have time for more pictures this week, since the costumes are finished! 

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