October 20

The girls and I were productive today! We made a new batch of elderberry syrup, made some gelatin gummies, prepared a meal for a friend with a new baby, did laundry, washed dishes... It was pretty impressive.

So I was completely shocked when Lily and I went out to get the mail during Daisy's nap and discovered that it was lovely outside! An afternoon like that needs to be appreciated, so we scrapped all other plans and went outside.

Lately, anytime we're playing in the front yard, Lily manages to make her way down to the sidewalk, where she contentedly paces up and down the area directly in front of our house. At first, I was a little bit worried - hello, baby four feet from the street! - but I quickly discovered that the girl seems to know not to go there. In fact, she's not particularly interested in leaving the sidewalk. So now I just let her do her laps (with a watchful eye, of course).

This video is literally one minute of Lily walking up and down the sidewalk. It's not particularly entertaining, but I'm posting it because it shows how well she's walking now, and how she goes a certain distance and then turns around. It's so funny!

I don't blame you if you aren't willing to spend a minute of your life on the video, so here are some pictures of her pacing, too.
Today was a lucky day - she found a hair clip and a small ball on the sidewalk!

I'm sorry. She is just ridiculously cute, even from behind.

Daisy Padme Amidala, running toward me with her "light saber".  Her facial expression is telling me that she's in the midst of a serious battle.

I don't even know why I'm posting this picture, but I am. Sorry.

Aren't you glad you scrolled through this whole post to find this one hilarious picture? I love this girl!

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