October 3

It was a cold, gray, rainy, windy, gloomy day today, so Daisy and I chose to stay in our jammies all day. We puttered around the house and did a whole lot of nothing.

This explosion of pattern is brought to you by Daisy. I chose Lily's flowered onesie this morning and asked Daisy to choose pants to go with it. She chose Lily's flowered leggings. When I questioned the appropriateness of the choice, Daisy informed me that both items were flowered, therefore they matched.
Gotta love 3-year-old logic.
That plus my green scarf (out so Daisy could use it to wear her babydolls), Caleb's striped superhero cape, and Daisy's favorite pink-striped blanket made for a colorful ensemble.

Would you believe that this happy girl chose not to nap this morning? I tried - got her to sleep and everything - but when I laid her down in her crib, she woke back up. I tried to let her settle herself back to sleep, but it didn't happen. After 45 minutes of trying to get her back to sleep, I discovered the culprit: a poopy diaper. At that point, all was lost and I decided to let her be awake.

Blessedly, that meant that both girls napped, at the same time, for nearly three hours. Beautiful. I watched awful (AWFUL!) daytime TV and worked on mending diapers. I think I've finished ten, which leaves twelve left to repair. Plus, I may end up repairing the elastic in some of the diapers in our current rotation, too.

The girls woke up in time to get Caleb from the bus, and we then had a truly awful late afternoon in which all three children screamed and cried at some point. Some (ahem, Caleb) cried and screamed longer than the others. It was horrible.

But Friday is always pizza night, so we had an easy dinner. Afterwards, Chris played with the kids while I laid on the couch and read a book. Then it was bath time.

Though Caleb usually takes a shower on his own, every once in a while Chris will let him get in the tub with his sisters. The tub is getting pretty crowded  and Caleb is getting a bit too old for the arrangement, so we're enjoying it while it lasts.

How about that? A classic "all three kids in the tub" photo that somehow managed to not show anything inappropriate. Magic!

Even more magical? The silence now that they're asleep.

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