October 27

We finally got around to carving pumpkins tonight - or at least, two out of three of them. I envisioned a big family pumpkin-carving fest, but it ended up that I sat on the floor and carved while the children came and went and Chris tried to keep them from playing with the knives. 
Not quite idyllic, but it got the job done.

I chose the orange shirt because it's old and I didn't mind if it got messy, but it ended up making Baby Yoey look like a little pumpkin, too. (FYI, this photo is totally misleading. My belly is WAY bigger than that.)

Daisy took her shirt off so that it didn't get messy, too. 
She didn't touch the pumpkins at all. I think she just wanted to wander around with her shirt off.

In unrelated news, Lily has learned to "cheese" for the camera, and it is adorable.
(Side note: Lily had her 15-month checkup today. At her 12-month checkup, the doctor was concerned by her lack of weight gain. We had a few weight checks over the past few months, and now the doctor is satisfied that she is sticking to her growth curve and we have nothing to be concerned about. Today, Lily clocked in at 29 inches (55th percentile) and 19 pounds, 8 oz (20th percentile). She hit all of her gross and fine motor milestones, which thrilled our doctor. Given Caleb and Daisy's history with motor skills, she was prepared to see some delays. But Lily is right on target!)

Two shirtless kiddos. Neither actually touched a pumpkin.

Lily did some inspecting, though.

Daisy inspected the (mostly) finished product. Hers has a mermaid (I know. It's awful. You don't have to say it.) and Caleb's has a pirate. I'd like to add some details - an eye patch, hat, and silver tooth for the pirate, maybe some fish for the mermaid, and their names on the back - but I'll still call these mostly done.

Caleb was really happy with his pirate pumpkin.

He's trying to make the same face as the pumpkin.

Daisy with her mermaid. She didn't like it at first (I don't blame her), but she either realized she was being rude or changed her mind, because now she likes it.

So. Costumes are finished. 2 of the 3 pumpkins are mostly done. I just need to carve Lily's pumpkin, and we're all set for Halloween!

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