October 24

People, I am feeling seriously busy.

Today involved Halloween costumes, Costco, Walmart (I never go there, so you know it was an ordeal), gymnastics, a trivia night... Tomorrow is the ACT all morning, more Halloween costume-making, and a trunk or treat at Caleb's school. Plus, we're almost out of food so I should probably go grocery shopping.

In the meantime, here are some pictures, even though I've been too busy to actually take any pictures.

Lily is doing some really adorable things lately. Things like wandering around with Auntie Grace's rhinestone-studded cowboy hat on her head, snuggling her baby doll. Of course, I couldn't get my camera out fast enough to capture all of the cuteness.

Still, she's pretty darn cute.

Am I right? Dirty shirt and all?

And then, as I was getting dinner ready, I looked out to see Chris playing with the kids on the swing set and Daisy was wearing her Halloween costume: 
I made the tail/skirt and shirt, and we found the wig on our Walmart run this morning. She really wanted a red wig so she could look like Ariel, but Walmart had no red wigs. (I thought they were supposed to have everything there, but we came up empty-handed when it came to red wigs and pirate hats.) Daisy's options were blonde, pink, or blue, and she chose blue. She is so, so happy about her costume!

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