October 2

Caleb wore rain boots to school today. I'm still not sure how I feel about rain boots at school; they're a little bit too big for him, and he clomps and shuffles about in them. But it was rainy, and we looked at the weather forecast together and saw more rain in the forecast, and based on that he chose the boots. So he wore the boots, but I made him put tennis shoes in his book bag and told him to change his shoes at school. I have no idea if he actually did that, or if he just clomp/shuffled around all day in his boots. And I have no idea if it's a normal thing to send my child with a change of shoes? Do all moms do things like that, or am I being neurotic? 

I swear. Sending my child to kindergarten has me second-guessing myself as much as I did when he was a brand-new baby. Just when I'd found my groove and confidence as a mother, my firstborn went to school and now I know nothing again. 
I hate it.

But. These things happened this morning after Caleb got on the bus (in his rain boots):

Lily tried to wrap two babies up in her wrap. It was pretty much the cutest thing ever, and I totally failed to capture it adequately.

Daisy grinned at me. Sometimes she is so sweet, and sometimes she is such a stinker. Her stubborn streak has been really coming out lately. With Caleb, if I tell him no about something or express disappointment, he begins crying and asks why I don't like him. Daisy, however... if I tell her no or put my foot down, she digs in and argues back. She is her mother's child.

Lily and I dropped Daisy off at preschool and headed to the Butterfly House, where we met up with some MOPS friends. I didn't even bring my camera, but we had fun, and we stayed until it was time to pick Daisy up from preschool.

When we picked Daisy up, she told me a story about how there was a flashing light in a silver box and it beeped and they all had to go outside and her friend Sumon covered her ears... She talked and explained for five minutes before I realized that she was describing a fire drill.
They had a fire drill today.
You know, with the flashing light in the silver box with the beep. 
Sometimes she seems so grown-up that I'm startled to remember that she's only three, and has no concept of what a fire drill is, or what words to use to explain it. Funny girl.

After lunch, we folded laundry and Daisy immediately wanted to change into the dress Jenny gave her for her birthday. Then she said, "Mommy, do you know that this dress has a smile?"
And it does! It's tie-dyed with dots and a stripe, and when she lifts her skirt out it makes a smiley face. I love that she noticed that!

When we picked Caleb up from the bus stop, it was pouring rain and I was really glad he had his rain boots on. He did a good job interpreting the weather forecast!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I just love reading this! It is so much fun hearing about their personalities and how they perceive things.
