July 9

One year ago today:

We met and fell in love with our little man.

I remember that day, after it was all over, talking to Chris about what we had just experienced, about the little treasure that was now in our arms.

We were overwhelmed with thankfulness.

As we looked at how perfect Caleb was, we knew that we hadn't created him.
As we thought about how one little sperm and one little egg had turned into this living, breathing, person, we knew we couldn't take credit for it.

On that day, and nearly every day since, we have looked at our son and been reminded of our Father. We were baffled that anyone could experience what we had just experienced and not believe in God, because the whole thing is such a miracle.

Sometimes I look at Caleb and feel so overwhelmed with love for him. Then I remember that my love, my human, selfish love, is nothing compared to the love that my Father feels for me. And I remember that my Father allowed His Son to die because He loved me THAT MUCH.

And I am so thankful.

I am thankful for Caleb, this gift God has given me. But more importantly, I am thankful for the love He has given me.

I'm not going to stop this blog yet, though his first year is over. I made a goal for myself of taking a photo every day for a year, and it's only been 9 months so far.

So stick with me?

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's been a year! I love checking out the blog each day so I hope you keep it going for a while longer. =-)
