July 30

I think I have come to a startling conclusion about myself as a mother.

My core philosophy seems to be: Take a photo, then stop the nonsense.

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the other way around.
Photographic evidence follows.

Yep. Caleb has found the toilet paper. I'm pretty sure Chris taught him to do this while I wasn't paying attention, because that's the type of thing Chris would do.

But me? I didn't stop Caleb. I grabbed the camera instead. Just like the cat food incident.

Does this make me a bad mom?
I don't think so.

It was really pretty funny, and Caleb was having so much fun.

In fact, he was having so much fun that I might have gotten out a new roll of toilet paper, just to continue the fun.

I probably shouldn't have admitted that, but the photos would have given me away.

Then Chris came home and did this to our child:
DFS can't take our baby just because we're a little odd, right?
(Yes, Caleb is wearing Chris' running shoes.
And a necktie.
And another necktie as a ninja headband.
He doesn't know what to think, either.)

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