July 19

Things Caleb did today:
Started shaking his head "no" when he actually means no
Made monkey noises for the first time
Figured out how to press the button on his friend Scout
Went to the doctor for his 12-month checkup
- weighed 20 pounds, 4 oz (25th percentile)
- head 46.5 cm (50th percentile)
- length 30.5" (75th percentile)
Got 3 shots
Was placated by a sticker

and this

Problem: Cheerios on his tray.

Solution: spoon.
Caleb carefully placed one Cheerio in the bowl of his spoon,
then brought the spoon to his mouth. (The spoon needed a little help.)
But then he realized there was a more efficient solution.
Problem solved!


  1. Boo for shots but yay for cheerios! He looks so pleased in the last one. =-)

  2. that last one is the best- I love his expression!
